Mail - Code

Allow players to manage in-game mail messages [LIVE-Mail-02]


Unlike many Beamable Features, Mail does not require a specific Beamable Feature Prefab to be used. The main entry point to this feature is C# programming.


Learning Fundamentals

Game makers who are new to Unity and C# can review the fundamentals here.

• See Beamable: Asynchronous Programming for more info

Here are API highlights for MailService.

The following chart describes the main functionality related to Mail messages.

Method NameDetail
GetCurrentFetches the count of unread MailMessage objects
GetMailFetches a list of MailMessage objects
SearchMailFetches a list of filtered MailMessage objects
SendMailSends a list of MailMessage objects

Note: This requires Admin privileges
UpdateUpdates an existing MailMessage object

Note: Uses the MailUpdate to define the operation

Here are API highlights for MailMessage.

The following chart describes the core structure of Mail messages.

Parameter NameDetail
idThe unique ID of the Mail message
sentThe timestamp when sent

Note: This value is formatted as 2019-03-28T00:00:00Z
receiverGamerTagReceiver PlayerId
senderGamerTagSender PlayerId
categoryArbitrary category string
subjectThe subject of the mail
bodyThe main content (in text) of the mail
state"unread", "read", or "deleted"
expiresThe timestamp when expires

Note: This value is formatted as 2019-03-28T00:00:00Z


Here are examples which cover common programming needs.


Beamable SDK Examples

The following example code is available for download at

In this MailServiceExample snippet, sending mail from the client and receiving mail through subscription is shown.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Beamable.Common.Api;
using Beamable.Common.Api.Mail;
using Beamable.Examples.Shared;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

namespace Beamable.Examples.Services.MailService
   /// <summary>
   /// Holds data for use in the <see cref="MailServiceExampleUI"/>.
   /// </summary>
   public class MailServiceExampleData
      public long Dbid = 0;
      public int UnreadMailCount = 0;
      // UI messages that indicate mail exists or not
      public List<string> UnreadMailLogs = new List<string>();
      public List<string> UpdateMailLogs = new List<string>();
      public List<string> SendMailMessageLogs = new List<string>();
      public List<string> MailMessageLogs = new List<string>();
      public bool IsBeamableSetup = false;
   public class RefreshedUnityEvent : UnityEvent<MailServiceExampleData> { }
   /// <summary>
   /// Demonstrates <see cref="MailService"/>.
   /// </summary>
   public class MailServiceExample : MonoBehaviour
      //  Events  ---------------------------------------
      public RefreshedUnityEvent OnRefreshed = new RefreshedUnityEvent();
      //  Fields  ---------------------------------------
      private BeamContext _beamContext;
      private const string MailCategory = "";
      private MailServiceExampleData _data = new MailServiceExampleData();

      //  Unity Methods  --------------------------------
      protected void Start()
         string startLog = $"Start() Instructions..\n" +
                           $"\n * Play Scene" +
                           $"\n * Check for mail using UI. Probably none" +
                           $"\n * Stop Scene" +
                           $"\n * Unity → Window → Beamable → Examples → MailService → Send Test Mail To 
                               Active User" +
                           $"\n * Play Scene" +
                           $"\n * Check for mail using UI. Probably some\n\n";

      //  Methods  --------------------------------------
      private async void SetupBeamable()
         _beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
         await _beamContext.OnReady;

         _data.Dbid = _beamContext.UserId;
         Debug.Log($"beamContext.PlayerId = {_data.Dbid}");

         // Fetch All Mail
         _beamContext.Api.MailService.Subscribe(async mailQueryResponse =>
            _data.UnreadMailCount = mailQueryResponse.unreadCount;
            string unreadMailLog = $"unreadCount = {_data.UnreadMailCount}";

            await GetMail();

         _data.IsBeamableSetup = _beamContext != null;

      private async Task<EmptyResponse> GetMail()
         var listMailResponse = await _beamContext.Api.MailService.GetMail(MailCategory);
         foreach (var mailMessage in listMailResponse.result)
            string mailMessageLog = $"MailMessage" +
                                    $"\n\tname = {mailMessage.senderGamerTag}" +
                                    $"\n\tname = {mailMessage.receiverGamerTag}" +
                                    $"\n\tname = {mailMessage.subject}" +
                                    $"\n\tname = {mailMessage.body}" +

         return new EmptyResponse();

      public async void UpdateMail()
         var mailUpdateRequest = new MailUpdateRequest();
         // Arbitrary Example - Toggle "read" to "unread"
         var listMailResponse = await _beamContext.Api.MailService.GetMail(MailCategory);
         foreach (var mailMessage in listMailResponse.result)
            MailState newMailState = MailState.Read;
            if (mailMessage.MailState == MailState.Read)
               newMailState = MailState.Unread;
            mailUpdateRequest.Add(, newMailState, true, mailMessage.expires);
         await _beamContext.Api.MailService.Update(mailUpdateRequest);
         string updateMailLog = $"updateMailRequests = {mailUpdateRequest.updateMailRequests.Count}";
      public void Refresh()
         if (_data.IsBeamableSetup)
            string refreshLog = $"Refresh() ...\n" +
                                $"\n * UnreadMailCount.Count = {_data.UnreadMailCount}" +
                                $"\n * UnreadMailLogs.Count = {_data.UnreadMailLogs.Count}" +
                                $"\n * MainLogs.Count = {_data.SendMailMessageLogs.Count}" +
                                $"\n * MatchmakingLogs.Count = {_data.MailMessageLogs.Count}\n\n";


         // Send relevant data to the UI for rendering
      /// <summary>
      /// NOTE: This must be called from a user with
      /// admin privileges or from a microservice
      /// </summary>
      public static async void SendMailMessage()
         var beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
         await beamContext.OnReady;
         long playerId = beamContext.UserId;
         // Arbitrary Example - Send mail from ME to ME 
         var mailSendRequest = new MailSendRequest();
         var mailSendEntry = new MailSendEntry();
         mailSendEntry.category = MailCategory;
         mailSendEntry.senderGamerTag = playerId;
         mailSendEntry.receiverGamerTag = playerId;
         mailSendEntry.body = $"Test Mail Body From {playerId}.";
         mailSendEntry.subject = $"Test Mail Subject From {playerId}.";

         // Call may fail if sender lacks permissions
         bool isSuccess = true;
            Debug.Log($"beamContext.UserId = {playerId}");
            var emptyResponse = await beamContext.Api.MailService.SendMail(mailSendRequest);
         catch (Exception e)
            Debug.LogError(e.Message + "\n\n");
            Debug.LogWarning($"Solution To Error: Add the beamContext.UserId of {playerId} with the role 
                of 'Admin' via Portal → Teams and retry this operation.\n\n");
            isSuccess = false;

         if (isSuccess)
            Debug.Log ($"SendMailMessage() Success!");


This section contains any advanced configuration options and workflows.

Mobile Notifications

Mobile Notifications are a native part of mobile platforms including iOS and Android. These messages show up as a banner of text, regardless of whether or not your game is running.

See Notifications for more info.