Version List

Show the most recent available versions

beam version list [options]


Show the most recent available versions


--limitInt32How many package versions to display
--include-rcBooleanShould release candidates be shown
--include-releaseBooleanShould stable releases be shown
--show-versionBooleanDisplays the executing CLI version
--show-locationBooleanDisplays the executing CLI install location
--show-templatesBooleanDisplays available Beamable template version
--show-typeBooleanDisplays the executing CLI install type
--outputStringHow to display the information, anything other than log will print straight to console with no labels
--dryrunBooleanShould any networking happen?
--cidStringCid to use; will default to whatever is in the file system
--pidStringPid to use; will default to whatever is in the file system
--hostStringThe host endpoint for beamable
--refresh-tokenStringRefresh token to use for the requests
--logStringExtra logs gets printed out
--dirStringDirectory to use for configuration
--versionBooleanShow version information
--helpBooleanShow help and usage information

Parent Command
