Connectivity - Code

Indicates status of network connection availability [SOCL-Connectivity-02]


Here are examples which cover common programming needs.


Beamable SDK Examples

The following example code is available for download at

In this ConnectivityServiceExample.cs, the UI shows the current state of the internet connectivity and updates automatically if any changes occur (ex. if the ethernet / Wi-Fi is manually disabled or enabled by the user).

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

namespace Beamable.Examples.Services.ConnectivityService
    /// <summary>
    /// Holds data for use in the <see cref="ConnectivityServiceExampleUI"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public class ConnectivityServiceExampleData
        public List<string> OutputLogs = new List<string>();
        public bool HasConnectivity = false;
    public class RefreshedUnityEvent : UnityEvent<ConnectivityServiceExampleData> { }
    /// <summary>
    /// Demonstrates <see cref="ConnectivityService"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public class ConnectivityServiceExample : MonoBehaviour
        //  Events  ---------------------------------------
        public RefreshedUnityEvent OnRefreshed = new RefreshedUnityEvent();
        //  Fields  ---------------------------------------
        private BeamContext _beamContext;
        private ConnectivityServiceExampleData _data = new ConnectivityServiceExampleData();
        //  Unity Methods  --------------------------------
        protected void Start()
            Debug.Log($"Start() Instructions...\n\n" +
                      " * Ensure Computer's Internet Is Active\n" +
                      " * Run The Scene\n" +
                      " * See Onscreen UI Show HasConnectivity = true\n" +
                      " * Ensure Computer's Internet Is NOT Active (e.g. Turn off wifi/ethernet)\n" +
                      " * See Onscreen UI Show HasConnectivity = false\n");

        //  Methods  --------------------------------------
        private async void SetupBeamable()
            _beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
            await _beamContext.OnReady;

            Debug.Log($"beamContext.PlayerId = {_beamContext.PlayerId}");

            // Observe ConnectivityService Changes
            _beamContext.Api.ConnectivityService.OnConnectivityChanged += ConnectivityService_OnConnectivityChanged;
            // Update UI Immediately
            bool hasConnectivity = _beamContext.Api.ConnectivityService.HasConnectivity;
        public void ToggleHasInternet()

        public void Refresh()
            string refreshLog = $"Refresh() ..." +
                                $"\n * HasConnectivity = {_data.HasConnectivity}" + 
                                $"\n * OutputLogs = {_data.OutputLogs.Count}\n\n";
            // Send relevant data to the UI for rendering
        //  Event Handlers  -------------------------------
        private void ConnectivityService_OnConnectivityChanged(bool hasConnectivity)
            _data.HasConnectivity = hasConnectivity;
            _data.OutputLogs.Add($"HasConnectivity = {_data.HasConnectivity}");

Disable Network Connection

Game makers can set a global disable to simulate not having wifi before BeamContext initialization.

private static void ForceDisableConnectivity()
    // to simulate network outage even if the device is online
    IConnectivityServiceExtensions.GlobalForceDisabled = true;

private async void SetupBeamable()

    _beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
    await _beamContext.OnReady;

    Debug.Log($"beamContext.PlayerId = {_beamContext.PlayerId}");

    // Observe ConnectivityService Changes
    _beamContext.Api.ConnectivityService.OnConnectivityChanged += ConnectivityService_OnConnectivityChanged;

    // Update UI Immediately
    bool hasConnectivity = _beamContext.Api.ConnectivityService.HasConnectivity;

Custom Connectivity Service

From version 1.11 and above, you can override the IConnectivityChecker service via Dependency Injection and change how the connectivity logic works. The default implementation uses a polling approach and sends requests to Beamable's API Gateway.

In the code sample below, there is a custom implementation of IConnectivityService that pings a local server at "".

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Beamable.Api.Connectivity;
using Beamable.Common;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class CustomConnectivityService : IConnectivityService
    private bool _isConnected = true;
    public float PollingInterval => 5f;
    public bool HasConnectivity => _isConnected && !Disabled;
    public bool ForceDisabled { get; set; }
    public bool Disabled => ForceDisabled || IConnectivityServiceExtensions.GlobalForceDisabled;
    public event Action<bool> OnConnectivityChanged;
    public  Promise SetHasInternet(bool hasInternet)
        var promise = new Promise();
        if (!Disabled)
            _isConnected = hasInternet;
        return promise;

    public Promise ReportInternetLoss()
        Debug.LogError("Internet connection lost");
        return SetHasInternet(false);

    public void OnReconnectOnce(Action onReconnection)
        if (HasConnectivity) onReconnection.Invoke();

    public void OnReconnectOnce(ConnectionCallback promise, int order = 0)
        if (HasConnectivity) _ = promise();

    // For testing locally, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings
    // Then set Allow downloads over HTTP = Allowed in development builds
    public IEnumerator PingServer()
        const string url = "";
        using var webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(url);
        // Send the request asynchronously
        yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();
        if (webRequest.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
            // Request was successful, and you can handle the response data here.
            var responseText = webRequest.downloadHandler.text;
            Debug.Log("Response: " + responseText);
            // raise connectivity event status to true
            // Request failed; handle the error.
            Debug.LogError("Request failed: " + webRequest.error);
            // raise connectivity event status to false
            if (!Disabled) OnConnectivityChanged?.Invoke(false);

This code demonstrated how to override the existing IConnectivityService

public class Registrations
	public static void Build(IDependencyBuilder builder)
		builder.AddSingleton<IConnectivityChecker, CustomConnectivityService>();

Load this code into a scene to see the custom implementation in action.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Beamable;
using Beamable.Api.Connectivity; // add this to docs
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

/// <summary>
/// Holds data for use in the <see cref="ConnectivityServiceUI"/>.
/// </summary>
public class ConnectivityServiceData
    public List<string> OutputLogs = new List<string>();
    public bool HasConnectivity = false;

public class RefreshedUnityEvent : UnityEvent<ConnectivityServiceData> { }

/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates <see cref="CustomConnectivityService"/>.
/// </summary>
public class CustomConnectivityServiceExample : MonoBehaviour
    //  Events  ---------------------------------------
    public RefreshedUnityEvent OnRefreshed = new();
    //  Fields  ---------------------------------------
    private BeamContext _beamContext;
    private ConnectivityServiceData _data = new();
    private IConnectivityService _connectivityService;
    //  Properties  -----------------------------------
    public ConnectivityServiceData Data => _data;

    //  Unity Methods  --------------------------------
    protected async void Start()
        Debug.Log($"Start() Instructions...\n\n" +
                  " * Ensure Computer's Internet Is Active\n" +
                  " * Run The Scene\n" +
                  " * See Onscreen UI Show HasConnectivity = true\n" +
                  " * Ensure Computer's Internet Is NOT Active (e.g. Turn off wifi/ethernet)\n" +
                  " * See Onscreen UI Show HasConnectivity = false\n");

        SetupConnectivityService(new CustomConnectivityService());
        await SetupBeamable();

    private IEnumerator PingCustomServerPolling()
        if (_connectivityService is not CustomConnectivityService service) yield break;
        while (true)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(service.PollingInterval);

    //  Methods  --------------------------------------
    private void SetupConnectivityService(IConnectivityService connectivityService) =>
        _connectivityService = connectivityService;

    private async Task SetupBeamable()
        _beamContext = BeamContext.Default;
        await _beamContext.OnReady;

        Debug.Log($"beamContext.PlayerId = {_beamContext.PlayerId}");

        // Observe ConnectivityService Changes
        _connectivityService.OnConnectivityChanged += ConnectivityService_OnConnectivityChanged;
    public void ToggleHasInternet()

    public void Refresh()
        string refreshLog = $"Refresh() ..." +
                            $"\n * HasConnectivity = {_data.HasConnectivity}" + 
                            $"\n * OutputLogs = {_data.OutputLogs.Count}\n\n";
        // Send relevant data to the UI for rendering
    //  Event Handlers  -------------------------------
    private void ConnectivityService_OnConnectivityChanged(bool hasConnectivity)
        _data.HasConnectivity = hasConnectivity;
        _data.OutputLogs.Add($"HasConnectivity = {_data.HasConnectivity}");