Services Promote

Promotes the manifest from the given 'sourcePid' to your current realm

beam services promote [options]


Promotes the manifest from the given 'sourcePid' to your current realm


--source-pidStringThe PID for the realm from which you wish to pull the manifest from.
The current realm you are signed into will be updated to match the manifest in the given realm
--dryrunBooleanShould any networking happen?
--cidStringCid to use; will default to whatever is in the file system
--pidStringPid to use; will default to whatever is in the file system
--hostStringThe host endpoint for beamable
--refresh-tokenStringRefresh token to use for the requests
--logStringExtra logs gets printed out
--dirStringDirectory to use for configuration
--versionBooleanShow version information
--helpBooleanShow help and usage information

Parent Command
